Monday, December 9, 2013

How do we know the Bible stories are true?

I'd like to answer that with another question: how do you know that any story you read about is true? For instance, do you believe that the United States has put a man on the moon? If you do believe that, what make you believe that is true? There are many people in our country today that believe that the moon landing was all a made up story by movie makers in Hollywood. We have to decide what we believe about any and all stories that we read about or hear about in the world. The way we do that is we ask questions of the stories until we become convinced that they are true.

For instance, who were the eyewitnesses to the people who walked on the moon? Are they trustworthy? Is there evidence that what they say is true?

For the Bible, we need to ask who were the eyewitnesses to the Bible stories? Are they trustworthy? Are there documents outside the Bible that tell the same stories? Is there evidence that the Bible stories are true?

The Bible claims to have been written by people who were eyewitnesses of most of its stories. When we check they eyewitness stories against other written stories of the day and other things that we can know, nothing in the Bible has ever been proven as false - and MANY people have tried very hard to prove the Bible as false. There is also evidence that the most incredible stories of the Bible are true. For instance, did you know that there are fish bones on the tops of even the tallest mountains in the world? How did they get there? The Bible says that a flood covered the whole earth during the days of Noah. Scientists may say that is not possible, but they cannot deny that fish bones are on the tops of mountains. Also, EVERY culture on earth has an ancient story of a great flood that at one time destroyed the world. How is THAT possible? The reason its possible is that it is most likely TRUE! That's just how we come to believe that one of the stories of the Bible is true. We can use that same process to discover that so many of the Bible stories are true that, after awhile, you have to come to the conclusion that all of the Bible stories are true.

I have studied most of the Bible's stories in great detail. I have looked for evidence that they are true and I have never been able to find any evidence that any of them are false. The biggest story of the Bible is the story of Jesus rising from the dead. When Christianity was just starting out, the one thing that the disciples kept on saying is that Jesus walked out of his own grave. Many of them were killed for believing it and teaching it. I've never heard of anyone who was willing to die for something that they knew was a lie. The first disciples of Jesus saw him after he came back from the dead, they heard him, and they touched him. They KNEW he was real and he was alive again and nobody could convince them to say it was false. Even when people ordered them to deny the resurrection of Jesus or die, they chose to die.

At the end of the day, though, you have to do your own homework and decide what you believe. Do you believe the Bible stories are true? I know that I do. Millions of other people believe they are true also. Now, you have to decide.

I'm praying for God to help you understand and believe.

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